Vår gode venn Austin Lucas slipper snart platen Between The Moon & The Midwest.
Han oppfordrer nå venner og fans til å forhåndsbestille platen. Vi hadde besøk av Austin i fjor høst, og da spilte han et lite knippe låter fra den nye platen i vår Dust of Daylight Sessions. Det er ikke fritt for at låtene økte forventningene foran platen.
Between The Moon & The Midwest ble innspilt i Nashville for et godt år siden, med Joey Kneiser bak spakene. Kneiser har også mikset platen, og vi finner gjester som Cory Branan, Lydia Loveless og selveste John Moreland.
På grunn av drastiske endringer hos Austins tidligere plateselskap, så er platen et år forsinket – og det er også grunnen til at han nå håper alle som gleder seg vil forhåndsbestille platen. Heldigvis har glitrende Last Chance Records vært raske til å snappe opp Austin, men på små selskaper må artisten ta hånd om omfattende utgifter i forbindelse med release.
Vi lar Austin selv forklare situasjonen:
I’m writing because I’ve put the pre-order up for my new album and I’m hoping you might help me out by doing a couple of things. Firstly, if you could potentially share on social media that pre-orders are available, that would be fantastic. Obviously I get it if you don’t want to, I’m only asking.
The other thing, (which is why it’s so important to get the word out). Is that every pre-order is going towards the fund to promote this record. As some people know, it was slated to be released on New West Records last year. After a change in presidents and the firing of my A&R representative. It was decided a mere 2 months before the release that I should be dropped from the label. This left me without the type of support necessary to properly promote a record. As well, it set back the albums release by a whole year. Long story short, if I can get enough folks to order this album in advance. I can get the money together for a real publicity push in the United States and mainland Europe.
I didn’t want to do a Kickstarter and ask for donations, (not that there is anything wrong with that). It only occured to me that I have such great fans already. If I could get a lot of you to purchase the album in advance then I’d have the money I need to do all of the things that are necessary to give this release the life that it deserves.
Anyway, my hope is only that you’ll be excited about the record. That you’ll choose to to buy it and that you might share information with friends.
Regardless, thanks so much for reading this. Thank you as well for being my fan in the first place.
I appreciate you greatly.
Forhåndsbestill LP hos Last Chance Records. Forhåndsbestill CD hos Last Chance.
For oss nordmenn som forholder oss til de siste dollarkursene og økte fraktpriser fra USA, så er det verdt å merke seg at Last Chance har gratis frakt for alle forhåndsbestillinger!
Du finner flere steder for bestilling i Austins Pre-Order event på Facebook. Husk å følge Austin på Facebook.