Howard har et knippe julesanger i julestrømpen sin. “Christmas in Missouri” har vært med i vår julekalender i flere år. Når jeg spurte om vi skulle fortsette tradisjonen i år, og poste denne i desember, så var svaret: “Jeg har nettopp skrevet og spilt inn en helt NY julesang, har du lyst til å bruke den istedenfor?” – så var svaret selvsagt JA! For “This One’s For The Kids” er rett og slett en utrolig fin og alternativ julesang.
Vi lar Howard selv fortelle, og ønsker med dette god jul fra The Monthly Iceberg…
“This One’s For the Kids”—This song’s pretty new, and I havent had a chance to go in and record it with other players yet. So this is how they all start out sounding, if you’ve been following any of the more produced ones. If you’re thinking of writing a song, this is proof that you don’t need to be a great singer or musician—-just put down what you’re feeling and throw in a melody and maybe a rhyme or two.
I don’t have an Uncle Johnny myself, and I don’t even know if I’m supposed to be him or the kid remembering him, probably some of both. The saying “blood is thicker than water” was said around my house a lot growing up; and I’ve always had a soft spot for the relative who didnt fit in.
God jul from Kansas City———Howard
Howard Iceberg – “This One’s For The Kids”:
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