
Adventskalender 2013: 17. desember: Dave Coleman


I år har vi invitert et knippe av våre favorittmusikere fra inn- og utland til å si noen ord om SIN favorittjulesang. Hver dag gjennom adventstiden vil vi presentere én låt, og artistenes personlige forhold til låten.

17. desember tilhører Dave Coleman.

Tidligere i år ble vi kjent med Dave Coleman fra bandet The Coal Men. Han spiller gitar på Stephen Simmons Hearsay, og bandet The Coal Mens siste plate Escalator er utgitt på Todd Sniders selskap Aimless Records. The Coal Men har turnért med Todd Snider i løpet av året, og har også spilt et bøttelass konserte rundt omkring i USA dette året.

Du kan kjøpe Escalator på The Coal Mens Bandcamp, der du også finner EPen Skeletons, som de ga ut bare noen uker etter Escalator. Du kan følge bandet på Facebook, og ellers finne mer info på www.thecoalmen.com.

Dave Coleman har en sterk låt han vil dele med oss:

“Three Weeks From Christmas” – Duane Jarvis 
This song is a reminder of all that I’ve learned from my friend DJ. 
Christmas is a time of joy and family… ideally, but for some it’s a time of pain and loneliness.  Duane Jarvis captured a powerful impression of the last moments of a relationship crumbling apart in the song “Three Weeks from Christmas” (from his 1994 album DJ’s Front Porch).  He did this with concise heartfelt lyrics and a slow-to-climax arrangement with beautiful and restrained musicianship.  
DJ told me years ago that as he recorded this song he kept waiting for his brother, Kevin, to join in on the drums, but Kevin kept waiting until the end.  It makes for a tremendous release at the end of the song that really makes it powerful.
I miss DJ.  He passed away in April of 2009, but I am grateful for his soulful friendship and the fact that he left pieces of himself behind in a beautiful legacy of recordings and songs.  I always love to hear his voice and his songs… even the sad songs in a cheerful season.  
I love playing guitar, singing, and recording with my band The Coal Men.  I’m always drawing on the music that I love for inspiration.  This song, along with others of DJ’s, is a foundational block that I’m building my own musical house upon.  – dave coleman 12/11/13     
Duane Jarvis – Three Weeks From Christmas:
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Three Weeks from Christmas
As I left your house
I think it was a quarter to three
you said do us both a favor
Try to not call me
I thought to myself as I closed your door
Thought about what you said
Now it’s three weeks from Christmas
It’s getting colder
I just can’t wait until May
As I drove home
Streets always look just the same
The only thing that ever changes
Is the way that we play this game
I thought to myself as I pulled in the drive
I thought about what you said
Now it’s three weeks from Christmas
It’s getting colder
I just can’t wait until May
Boston’s cold, but California’s colder
Colder than a night in New York
Night of thieves Philadelphia phone call
Was the night the thermometer broke
When I woke up
I remembered a dream I once had
It was a guy with a girl
Who looked just like you
So much that it just made me mad
Screamed right out loud as I jumped out of bed
Thought about what you said
Now it’s three weeks from Christmas
It’s getting colder
I just can’t wait until May

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