Junibidraget til The Monthly Iceberg ble av mystiske årsaker liggende upublisert. Vi er tilbake på skinnene igjen nå, og månedens bidrag til The Monthly Iceberg er en helt fersk låt fra Howard og hans pågående innspillingsprosjekt i Pat Tomeks studio i Kansas City – denne gangen med en litt uvanlig bandsammensetning…
Fra en bunke låter jeg fikk tilsendt i slutten av mai så plukket jeg ut denne låten. Vi lar Howard selv fortelle om bakgrunnen for teksten:
“Life’s Supposed to Hurt”—This is one I just finished. I’ve had a lucky life, all in all; but I went thru a tough patch recently. So I had to write this one to remind myself that a certain amount of pain and struggle is part of the deal.
My three mates on this are Betse Ellis (fiddle), Kyle Dahlquist (accordion), and Gary Paredes (guitar). The four of us had tried to form a side project along with the bands we already play in, but travel and sickness got in the way. Betse is from the much-loved KC band The Wilders; Kyle plays a lotta instruments with a lotta local groups; and Gary is lead guitar player in my band, the Titanics. We did manage to get 3 others recorded besides this one, and hope to do some more in the fall if the stars line up right.”
La oss rett og slett lytte til “Life’s Supposed to Hurt”:
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