
The Monthly Iceberg: Maybe You’re Missing Me Too

Det er første mandag i januar, og det betyr årets første utgave av “The Monthly Iceberg”. Dagens lille fortelling fra Howard Iceberg innbefatter løgn og fanteri, et trekkspill og hvordan han (som Todd Snider sier det) befant seg på The Right Place At The Right Time – og plutselig fant seg selv som medlem i bandet The Splinters.

Låten heter “Maybe You’Re Missing Me Too”, og fremføres av bandet The Splinters – som var Howards første backingband. Den finner du også på Howards Bandcamp, der den er track 11 på volume 7 av den allerede legendariske boksen “Welcome Aboard!”.

Dette opptaket er fra hyllestkonserten “Raising The Titanic: A Tribute To Howard Iceberg”, som ble avholdt i Kansas City i juni 2011.

Vi lar Howard selv fortelle videre:

In my mid-20’s, I started writing songs (unexpectedly).  Eventually I made a tape for a few friends.  One pal lived next door to a houseful of art school students who had just formed a band called the Splinters.  They liked the tape and offered to back me up on 3 or 4 of my songs to open their shows.  I’d never been in a band or planned to, but these were cool guys and I jumped at the chance.

 They also asked if I knew any accordion player, and I said I myself could play (a big lie) but that I was tied up for the next 3 weeks.  Then I ran out to all the thrift stores, found one, bought a book, practiced night and day, and taped a cheat sheet of the chords to the top of the accordion.  We played together maybe a year and had a blast.

The Splinters broke up maybe 25 years ago; but when the KC musicians threw me a tribute show last year, I asked these guys if they’d get back together to do a couple songs, since they were the ones that got me into all this in the first place, and they kindly consented.  It was fun to hang with them again.  I still can’t play the accordion.


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