
The Monthly Iceberg: Christmas In Missouri

Vi har startet på julemåneden, så hva er mer naturlig enn å la årets siste Monthly Iceberg tilfalle låten “Christmas In Missouri”.

Låten finner man på Howards plate “Final Fade”, og ved siden av en herlig mandolinsolo så har den en tekst som handler om å dele høytiden med venner, familie og de som ikke har det så greit…

Howard forteller følgende om denne låten:

“I wasn’t brought up Christian, but I do love holidays, and Christmas is one of my favorites.
Besides, a songwriter around here has to write a Christmas song, just like you have to write a Texas song and a broken heart song.

 I guess I wrote this one thinking about those who end up far away from loved ones and home at Christmas-time
———the road warriors, wanderers, immigrants, misfits. Holidays are a good time to include the stranger in our midst. 

Recorded the song in a basement in eastern Kansas with Mike Ireland, Gary P., and a mandolin player named Corey.  If I’m remembering right, I got the riff while messing with a Van Morrison tune.  

Merry Christmas, everybody.



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