Jeg har plukket ut en ny låt fra Howards enorme katalog. Denne gangen har han kun skrevet teksten, men for en tekst dette er! Første gang jeg hørte denne, så minnet det meg om Harry Dean Stantons innsats i lydboken “Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas”.
Dette er absurd, intenst og regelrett bare fantastisk! Vi lar Howard selv introdusere låten:
I’ve written about a thousand songs (including maybe a few good ones), and I wrote both words and music on all of them except this one. On this one, the music was written by a K.C. band called The Brannock Device, kind of a jazz/punk avant garde group. Their main guy asked me if I’d put words to this music they had called The Ron Express. I said I’d try but what was it about? He said he didn’t know, but that he named the song after a buddy of his named Ron who they called The Ron Express. I only know a few words in Spanish; but one of ’em is “ron”, which means rum. That got me started.
As for the story itself, it’s all true. When my darlin’ and me were younger, we used to try to hit some remote area in Central America every year. This one is about a trip we took to the western coast of Costa Rica. The pharmacy, the Catholic Fidel Castro, the beach at Mal Pais, and the loose tiger all happened—-or at least we thought they did after we hit the pharmacy. I remember writing a song called “Cry, Cry, Little Baby Teardrops, Cry” on that beach.”
“The Ron Express”:
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Låten finner du på Howards fantastiske boks “Welcome Aboard”. Du kan kjøpe boksen, enkeltcder eller enkeltlåter på Howards Bandcamp. «The Ron Express» finner du på Volume5.