Forrige måned hadde både Musikkbloggen og Howard Iceberg ferie, men nå er vi tilbake med månedens høydepunkt her på The Monthly Iceberg. Denne gangen er det en virkelig godbit vi kan by på. En låt som aldri har blitt utgitt, men som finnes i et obskurt opptak på YouTube. Komplett med noen av de beste tekstlinjene han har produsert.
Howard presenterer låten på følgende måte:
“This is the only version I have. It’s from a live radio show—hard to forget that night. Our bass player had to work til right before showtime. We met him at his car, to switch some gear over. He was in a tight spot in one of those underground parking lots. He’s backing out, trying to clear a concrete pillar on one side and a car on the other. He’s holding his door open and looking over his left shoulder, then his right. When he thinks he’s clear, he gives it some gas and the pillar rips his door completely off. We had to just leave the door and race off to the station, driver side open. Driving like that will get you a few weird looks.
You write a song hoping to connect with someone somewhere. “I’m living in a jail inside of a prison in a penitentiary.” I wonder does anyone else ever feel like that?”
Her er “Shake Your Sugar”:
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